
Lightelligence Overview

Lightelligence is transforming cutting-edge photonic technology into groundbreaking solutions that offer exponential improvements in computing power and dramatically reduce energy consumption. As the global leader in the photonic computing industry, Lightelligence is to date the only company that has publicly demonstrated integrated photonic computing systems working at speed. Founded in 2017, Lightelligence has approximately 200 employees worldwide and has raised more than $220 million in funding.

Presentation: Hummingbird Low Latency Computing Engine

Presenter: Maurice Steinman, Vice President of Engineering

Time: Day 2, Interconnects Session, 11:30AM-1:00PM PDT

Introducing Hummingbird™

Close-up of a computer device Description automatically generated

Hummingbird is the first in a family of products that utilize Lightelligence’s oNOC platform, which significantly improves computing performances by enabling innovative interconnect topologies via silicon photonics. Its waveguides propagate signals at the speed of light and utilize an all-to-all data broadcast network to each core on a 64-core domain-specific AI processor chip, giving Hummingbird significant advantages in latency and power reduction over traditional digital interconnect solutions.


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